Nature Care Hawaii

To keep our holistic health treatments affordable and assist those in financial distress, we offer our services on a sliding scale. Your cost will range from 85 to 135 dollars per hour depending on your financial situation.

You can book your appointment now by clicking on this.

Schedule an appointment and pay us after you receive your treatment.

Deep Tissue Massage utilizes slow, deep massage strokes that serve to realign and reconnect muscle and connective tissue helping the body function more properly. Contrary to popular belief deep tissue massage does not have to be painful to be effective. In fact done properly, will be a relaxing, pleasurable experience.

Lomi Lomi Massage is known as the traditional Hawaiian massage where the practitioner combines elements of prayer, breathing techniques and dance to provide long continuous strokes and stretches that allow the client to let go of old, less effective neuro-muscular patterns and realign and reconnect with a more powerful and beneficial way of being.

Sports Massage utilizes slow, deep massage strokes focused on realigning and reconnecting sport specific muscle and connective tissue to bring relief to overworked or otherwise injured parts of the body.

Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle hands on method that enhances the function of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround the brain and spinal chord.

Reflexology involves applying different amounts of pressure to the feet, hands,and ears. Its effectiveness is due to the ability to stimulate nerve endings thatreach other parts of the body that are in need of assistance in the healingprocess.

Somatic Emotional Release is a therapeutic technique that uses pressure points, stretching and positive affirmations to rid the mind and body of residual stress and discomfort caused by trauma from the past.

Trigger Point Therapy releases painful muscle knots by adding pressure, rubbing, then stretching the affected areas through a complete range of motion.

Who we are

Nature Care Inc. is a 501c3 nonprofit company committed to improving the holistic health of our world. We provide massage, life coaching and personal training on a sliding scale. The price of your treatment is based on your ability to pay.

Thom Camenzind of Nature Care Inc.

Life Coach
Thom started his career as a Life Coach in 1977 as a Suicide Prevention Counselor. He has managed a halfway house for drug addicted teens and served as an Outdoor Recreation Counselor for children with special needs. He became a Life Coach with Denis Waitley’s prestigious “Winning for Life” program in 1990. There he counseled heads of industry, government research scientists, civil servants, professional athletes and various other clients from all walks of life. He assisted them in overcoming any obstacles that were preventing them from achieving their personal and/or professional goals. Since moving to Hawaii, Thom has worked as a Personal Adjustment Trainer for the State of Hawaii’s Department of Social Services, and an Inclusion Specialist within the State’s Department of Education.

Massage Therapist
In 1993 Thom became a Massage Therapist and has received specialized training in deep tissue, lomi-lomi and sports massage. He is also a certified Cranial Sacral Therapist and Reiki Healer. Since 2006 Thom has worked as a Massage Therapy Instructor and helped in the creation and operation of more than a dozen spas here in Hawaii and throughout Japan.

Personal Trainer
Thom began working as a gym instructor in 1982. He later received training from the ACSM, AFAA, and ACE to become a Personal Trainer and Behavior Modification Counselor. He has created and operated numerous gyms and personal training companies here in Hawaii and throughout the U S mainland. Currently he holds advanced certifications in High Intensity Training and Corrective Exercise.

Mayumi Murata of Nature Care Inc.

Nature Care was created by Mayumi Murata in Utsunomyia Japan in February of 2000.

Mayumi started her work as a holistic health therapist in 1993 at a clinic in Essex, England. She moved back to Japan at the start of the new Millennium to create her own clinic. It was created as a massage school providing instruction in various forms of massage, aromatherapy, and reflexology. Mayumi also worked closely with the Tochigi County officials who funded her program of providing holistic health education and training to the public free of charge. She created a second clinic at a local maternity hospital where she and her staff provided pre and postpartum massages and holistic health education for women. At her third clinic she worked along with a County owned hospice to provide massages to cancer patients. She also served for 2 and half years as a host of a weekly radio talk show that educated and entertained the public with various holistic health topics.

In March of 2006 Mayumi traveled to Kona Hawaii as part of her quest to expand her knowledge of holistic health service. It is there she met her future partner, Thomas Camenzind. Thomas was the owner of Spa Hina, an ocean side resort spa that he designed and constructed at Kona by the Sea Hotel. At Spa Hina he and his staff provided an array of health and beauty services for hotel guests, while at the same time providing education and training in massage therapy and personal training. Later that year they decided to join forces and formed Nature Care Hawaii to provide instruction in the Hawaiian healing arts of Lomi-Lomi and hot stone therapy to Therapists in Japan.In 2010 they decided to move together to Oahu where Nature Care transitioned into a company that’s focus would be assisting in the creation and operation of holistic health centers. After projects at the New Otani Hotel, the Century Center building and the Oahu Club, they decided in April of 2011 to incorporate Nature Care as a 5013c. This made it so they could provide their services in Hawaii’s Personal Adjustment Training Program. This program provides holistic health education and training to children with special needs throughout the State.

Since 2007 they have helped in the creation and operation of 10 holistic health centers in Japan and Hawaii, trained and certified hundreds of Therapists, and effectively assisted thousands to live more powerfully with peace and pleasure.


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Thom & Mayumi

私たち夫婦がサポートします♪ お気軽にお問い合わせ下さい!